
Specifies the leading for text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.

Command constructor

PLeading(short dPoints);
Point size, from 0 to 1300 points, in tenths of a point (250.0 = 2500)
kParmDefault for automatic leading
Automatic leading specifications. If you specify automatic leading, PageMaker creates leading 20% larger than the type size. For example, 10-point type is automatically assigned 12 points of leading. To change this percentage, choose the Paragraph command from the Type menu, click the Spacing button, and then type a new value in the Autoleading edit box. You can also use the PSpaceOptions command.

PLeading measurements. The way leading is measured depends on the type of leading that is currently specified (e.g., Proportional, Top of caps, or Baseline). To set the leading type, use the PSpaceOptions command.

Example. The following example specifies 16.5 points of leading.


See also

The PGetLeading query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Type Specs

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